Social Network Life
From Facebook to Myspace to Twitter to Craigslist, authorities has been monitoring each and every person that seemed to post/ comment negative statuses and is putting a restriction on the things that is being posted each second, minute and hour. It's really crazy how a simple post or status could tragically turn one's life 180 degrees counter-clockwise.
1) Date: December 31, 2010: A jealously consumed 16-year-old boyfriend allegedly shot and killed his girlfriend on New Year's Eve over a message posted on her MySpace page by another boy. The truth of the matter is that you can not hide anything from anyone online. Watch who you friend and post up for safeness of your well-being.
1) Date: July 21, 2010: A young woman's ongoing Facebook beef with another young woman took a turn for the worst as a heated encounter at a McDonald's esculated into a high-speed car chase ramming the other woman's car repeatedly into a vehicle that she was a passenger in. After running a red light, the car carrying the victim was struck by a dump truck, leaving her in critical condition and killing driver. Reports claim their personal issues stemmed from being romantically linked to the same imprisoned man. I heard of opposites attracts, but this events says something totally different...
3) Date: March 25, 2009: A Washington man looked to make some extra cash by selling a family heirloom through Facebook; but, instead, welcomed four robbers (2 male, 2 female) into his home. The Foursome tied up his family and beat them in front of the Washington naive before one of the robbers shot the husband and father in cold blood. Don't trust every one you meet.
1) Date: Dec. 1, 2009: 2 childhood friends experienced a fallout over a woman both boys liked. After an exchange of a series of heated tweets, one shot the other in the neck with a shotgun. Hours before his death, accusee tweeted, "niggas is lookin for u don't think I won't give up ya address for a price betta chill asap!" The victim proved he was more gully and came strapped for the occasion. What's more important, Pride or Freedom? Think about it.....
NOTE: THIS ISN'T EVEN ALL OF THE EVENTS, I'M JUST GIVING YOU A COUPLE EXAMPLES TO SEE FOR YOURSELF THAT THIS IS REAL!!!! Check Out @Ketmollywood's Video on Twitter Beef, Click The Play Button Below To View Now:
Here's are the statistics of popular social media websites:
Badoo: 172 million users
Bebo: 30 million users
Ebay: 100 million active users
Facebook: 1.06 billion monthly active users,
680 million mobile users
Google+: 343 million active users
LinkedIn: 200 million users
MySpace: 25 million users
ooVoo: 70 million subscribers
Pinterest: 48.7 million users
Qzone: 500 million users
Reddit: 43 million users
Skype: 280 million users
Spotify: 24 million total users
Stumbleupon: 25 million users
Tagged: 330 million registered users
Tango: 100 million users
Tumblr: 170 million users
Twitter: 500 million total users, more than 200 million active users
Vimeo: 12.6 million users
Wix: 25 million users
WordPress: 74 million blogs
Yahoo! Mail: 281 million users
Youtube: 1 billion users

Tips For Staying Low Key:
You must know how to move freely without stressing the fact of getting in an online altercation. On the Top 3 Social Media Networking Sites (Facebook, Myspace & Twitter), you have a settings menu, which lets you change who can access your profile. The categories are listed as Public, Friends, Specific Users, etc. If you run a business or is in music, then don't put your personal life all online unless it's business related. Stay away from negatively offensive and drug transaction slander, keep in mind that the boyz are looking at everybody online. Wise words from an old head that told me the realest thing I heard in life; "Never let a person know what you are doing, because that gives your adversaries the capability of knowing how infiltrate on your objective tactics".
Therefore, before you log into your social network and somebody says something to offend/ disrespect/ verbally assault you, read over the terms and conditions; understand the consequences that follows behind taking one's life; do something to get your mind off of the hateration; Measure the weight of freedom and imprisonment; and stay focused. A life and talent is a terrible thing to waste so cherish it at all times even when life altering events seem bad in your eyez. Well so long, stay tuned for more #RealTalk101 and See you next time. Peace World....
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